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The Trash Pack Wiki

Glow Mania is the second series of UFT, featuring see-through Spin Bins (allowing the inner spring mechanism to be seen,) and Glow in the Dark Trashies. It replaces all UFT Series 1 teams, except for Food Fight Trash.


Spin Top Packs[]

Every Team has a single Trashie available in Spin Top packs, while the rest are only available in 12 packs. These figures are marked via underline on the following table.

Spin Bin Colors[]

In single Spin Bin Packs, every Team gets its own color for their Spin Bin, corresponding to the Team's color on the Collector's List. The exception are the Master Trashies, who get fully see-through and see-through black, respectively. This system is identical to the one to the one in the first Series, but all Spin Bins in Glow Mania feature a see-through casing.

Full List[]

Trashies released in Wave 2 are marked by *

Trashies available in Spin Top Packs are underlined

Alien Trash
(Green Spin Bins)
Icon Name Colors
UFT106 Alien Snot Orange, Yellow, Blue
UFT112 Squirmy Wormhole Yellow, Lime, White
UFT101 Tentacle Terror
Uft110 Eye Sore Red, White, Lime
UFT111 Mushy Martian Orange, Yellow, Blue
UFT105 Brain Pain
UFT119 Cosmic Creeper Red, White, Lime
Battle Bugs Trash
(Orange Spin Bins)
UFT127 War Wasp Orange, Yellow, Blue
UFT138 Dung Beetle Yellow, Lime, White
UFT122 Sting Scorpion
UFT128 Scorched Fire Ant Orange, Yellow, Blue
UFT134 Fire Fly Fighter
UFT137 Roach Rage Red, White, Lime
UFT126 Manic Mantis
Water Warriors Trash
(Blue Spin Bins)
UFT159 Shredder Shark Orange, Yellow, Blue
UFT161 Trash Turtle Red, White, Lime
UFT143 Grapple Crab Orange, Yellow, Blue
UFT156 Samurai Swordfish Yellow, Lime, White
UFT145 Squid Scrapper Orange, Yellow, Blue
UFT157 Prawn Mauler Red, White, Lime
UFT153 Arm Angler Fish Yellow, Lime, White
Food Fight Trash
(Yellow Spin Bins)
UFT168 Black Eye Pie Red, White, Lime
UFT172 Rotten Fruit
UFT164 Harm Burger Orange, Yellow, Blue
UFT174 Atilla The Bun Yellow, Lime, White
UFT166 Pineapple Crusher
UFT167 Chop Up Orange, Yellow, Blue
UFT171 Combat Kebab
Master Trashies
UFT183 Stink Splatter Yellow See-Through Spin Bin
UFT184 Sir Trashalot Black Spin Bin
Sliced bread checklist art Sliced Bread N/A Food Fight Trash


Every Trashie in the Series, no matter what pack it's from, will hold two weapons. These two weapons are completely random, though the same Trashie can't hold two weapons of the same model or color. There are a total of 24 weapons, available in 6 different colors each, meaning that any given Trashie can have up to 16,560 weapon combinations. 8 weapons are themed after household maintenance and power tools, 9 are themed after combat and weapons, and 7 are themed after food and cutlery. The below colors are all Glow in The Dark, as weapons are included in the Series' gimmick.

Color➡ White Lime Yellow Orange Red Blue
Spoon Spoon white Spoon lime Spoon yellow Spoon orange Spoon red Spoon blue
Fork Fork white Fork lime Fork yellow Fork orange Fork red Fork blue
Knife Knife white Knife lime Knife yellow Knife orange Knife red Knife blue
Sausage Sausage white Sausage lime Sausage yellow Sausage orange Sausage red Sausage blue
Cheese Cheese white Cheese lime Cheese yellow Cheese orange Cheese red Cheese blue
Bone Bone white Bone lime Bone yellow Bone orange Bone red Bone blue
Fish Bone Fishbone white Fishbone lime Fishbone yellow Fishbone orange Fishbone red Fishbone blue
Plunger Plunger white Plunger lime Plunger yellow Plunger orange Plunger red Plunger blue
Wrench Wrench white Wrench lime Wrench yellow Wrench orange Wrench red Wrench blue
Toilet Brush Toiletbrush white Toiletbrush lime Toiletbrush yellow Toiletbrush orange Toiletbrush red Toiletbrush blue
Fly Swatter Flyswatter white Flyswatter lime Flyswatter yellow Flyswatter orange Flyswatter red Flyswatter blue
Fish Hook Hook white Hook lime Hook yellow Hook orange Hook red Hook blue
Drill Drill white Drill lime Drill yellow Drill orange Drill red Drill blue
Shovel Shovel white Shovel lime Shovel yellow Shovel orange Shovel red Shovel blue
Pipe Pipe white Pipe lime Pipe yellow Pipe orange Pipe red Pipe blue
Bent Pipe Bentpipe white Bentpipe lime Bentpipe yellow Bentpipe orange Bentpipe red Bentpipe blue
Barbed Wire Barbedwire white Barbedwire lime Barbedwire yellow Barbedwire orange Barbedwire red Barbedwire blue
Blade Blade white Blade lime Blade yellow Blade orange Blade red Blade blue
Sword Sword white Sword lime Sword yellow Sword orange Sword red Sword blue
Katana Katana white Katana lime Katana yellow Katana orange Katana red Katana blue
Hatchet Hatchet white Hatchet lime Hatchet yellow Hatchet orange Hatchet red Hatchet blue
Mace Mace white Mace lime Mace yellow Mace orange Mace red Mace blue
Rifle Rifle white Rifle LIME Rifle yellow Rifle orange Rifle red Rifle blue
Rocket Rocket white Rocket lime Rocket yellow Rocket orange Rocket red Rocket blue

Master Weapons[]

Glow Mania's Master Trashies don't get their original weapon molds like Trashinator and Cack Hammer did, instead using the first Series' Master Weapon models in new colors.

Owner⬇ Color➡ Red Blue
Stink Splatter Jackhammer Jackhammer1 red
Machine Gun Machinegun blue
Sir Trashalot Jackhammer #2 Jackhammer2 blue
Machine Gun Machinegun red

UFT Glow Mania's primary palette.

Color Distribution[]

Glow Mania has the least amount of colors and color schemes in the franchise, with only 6 colors and 3 color schemes.

Red White Lime
Yellow Lime White
Orange Yellow Blue

Products and Playsets[]


  • Spin Top Pack: contains one Spin Bin and one Trashie.
  • 12 Pack: Contains 12 Trashies without Spin Bins.



