The Trash Pack Wiki

"Is it a fruit or is it a vegetable? Either way it's hard to tell what this pulpy and gloopy Trashie used to be! He's so moldy and squishy that he's more saucy than solid."- Soggy Tomato's bio

Soggy Tomato is the second rarest Limited Edition figure avilable in Series 1, with a grand total of 5,000 copies of him manufactured.

Image Color ID Finish Series Units Manufactured
Heyo6 Red TP174 Metallic Series 1 5,000


  • Soggy Tomato's shade of red used in his collector's booklet illustration is unique and is never seen on another illustration.


Series 1
The Grubz
Awful PiePutrid PizzaRotten AppleSlop CornGrott DogSmelly FishPutrid SardineStale BreadMouldy MilkGarbage EggFoul NuggetScum GumRancid SteakSicken ChickenStench FriesOff CheeseDump-Ling
Hard Rubbish
Puke PodBashed BottleStinky SodaScummy ScreenLoo PaperCrud CanSmelly SockPutrid BootRott BoxSnottenToxic Trash Rim
Trash-A-PillarBlow FlyRancid RoachNoxious BeeSour SnailMucky MaggotRot MothBin Scab BeetleGerm WormDisinfect-Ant
Bin Critters
Scabby CatTrash RatGross RoverScummy SquirrelGarbage GullSmelly MouseBin PigEl Trasho
Bin Monsters
GermitWaste WolfTrasholaManglezRankensteinCompost Monster
Bird FluFlu VirusMoo Cow DiseaseChicky PoxFlesh Eating Virus
Limited Edition
King RatSoggy TomatoTrash Cat
Exclusive Trashies
Sludge CanDead TyreWasted BananaSquashed WheelSpew ShiSkummy Skull