The Trash Pack Wiki

Series 5 of the Trash Pack was released in 2013 in the US, Australia and Europe with a total of 169 mainline figures divided into 7 categories, or "Teams". It replaced the red wheelie bins of Series 4 with yellow toilets to keep with the theme of the series. It introduces the finishes of Scrap and Frozen, Scrap adding dots of color to figures and Frozen putting a cube of clear rubber around a small figure. It also replaces Trash Toys and Hard Rubbish with School Trash and Sewer Trash.


Wave Gimmick[]

The series was divided into two waves, the first -including most figures and colorways; and second, including all Trashies following the Dark Green - Lime - Orange and Blue - White - Lime color schemes, marked with * below

Full List[]

Full List
The Grubz
TP752 Car-Rot Green, Yellow, Orange Rare
TP740 Icky Pickle* Dark Green, Orange, Lime
Dank-Donut TheGrubz S5 Dank Donut Brown, Red, Gray Common
Gross-Moose-3 Gross Moose
Spew-Blue-Cheese Blue TheGrubz S5 Spew Blue Cheese Blue, Gray, Purple Rare
TP747 Puke Cakes Mustard Yellow, Pink, White Common
Mushy-Mango Orange TheGrubz S5 Mushy Mango Green, Yellow, Orange Rare
Stinky-Ring TheGrubz S51 Stinky Ring Aqua, Red, Purple Common
TP748 Squirm Cake Green, Yellow, Mustard Yellow
Squashed-Maggot Bin-Sects S5 Squashed Maggot Mustard Yellow, Pink, White Common
Squashed-Roach Blue Bin-Sects S5 Squashed Roach Blue, Gray, Purple
Dead-Spider Orange Bin-Sects S5 Dead Spider Green, Yellow, Mustard Yellow Common
Mess-Mantis Bin-Sects S5 Mess Mantis* Dark Green, Orange, Lime Rare
Fried-Dragon-Fly Orange Bin-Sects S5 Fried Dragon Fly*
Mucus-Mite-3 Mucus Mite Blue, Gray, Purple
Splat-a-Pillar Bin-Sects S5 Splat-A-Pillar Gray, Brown, Red Common
Fried-Ant Bin-Sects S5 Fried Ant Brown, Red, Gray
Whacked-Wasp Blue Bin-Sects S5 Whacked Wasp* Blue, White, Lime
Chartruse Pesty Locust (Image By Moose Toys) Pesty Locust*
Horse-Fly-2 Horse Fly Purple, Red, Aqua
Squirm-Worm Bin-Sects S5 Squirm Worm Green, Yellow, Mustard Yellow
Green Hair Lice (Image By Moose Toys) Hair Lice
School Trash
Moldy-Sandwich School-Trash S5 Moldy Sandwich* Blue, White, Lime Common
Little-Locker-2 Litter Locker Brown, Red, Gray
Trash-Top School-Trash S5 Trash Top Aqua, Red, Purple
Goo-Glue School-Trash S5 Goo Glue Mustard Yellow, Pink, White
Yuck-Box-3 Yuck Box Green, Yellow, Orange Rare
Trashy-Text-Book White School-Trash S5 Trashy Text Book* Blue, White, Lime Common
Stuffed-Pencil-Case School-Trash S5 Stuffed Pencil Case Green, Yellow, Orange Rare
Scrap-Pack School Green-Trash S5 Scrap Pack Green, Yellow, Mustard Yellow Common
Slimy-Spitball School-Trash S5 Slimy Spitball* Dark Green, Orange, Lime Rare
Spitle-Whistle-3 Spittle Whistle Blue, Gray, Purple
Clogged-up-Calc Green School-Trash S5 Clogged-Up Calculator* Dark Green, Orange, Lime
Food of The World
Filthy-Frog-Legs FOTW S5 Filthy Frog Legs* Dark Green, Orange, Lime Rare
Grotty-Lamb-Chop FOTW S5 Grotty Lamb Chop Mustard Yellow, Pink, White Common
Furry-Turkish-Delight Furry Turkish Delight
Diedricegray Died Rice Blue, Gray, Purple Rare
Purple Fish And Slops (Image By Moose Toys) Fish and Slops Aqua, Red, Purple Common
Boggy-Borscht FOTW S5 Boggy Borscht
Queasy-Cheesy Yellow FOTW S5 Queesy Cheesy Green, Yellow, Mustard Yellow
Saver-Kraut Green FOTW S5 Saver Krout* Blue, White, Lime
Snotty-Schnitzel FOTW S5 Snotty Schnitzel* Brown, Red, Gray
Gakky-Macaron Yellow FOTW S5 Gakky Macaron Green, Yellow, Orange Rare
Sewer Trash
Sewer-pipe Purple Sewer-Trash S5 Sewer Pipe Blue, Gray, Purple Rare
Awfulalgae Awful Algae Green, Yellow, Mustard Yellow
Turd-Turtle Sewer-Trash S5 Turd Turtle* Blue, White, Lime Common
Purple Stink Spray (Image By Moose Toys) Stink Spray Aqua, Red, Purple
Doo-Doo-Diaper White Sewer-Trash S5 Doo Doo Diaper Mustard Yellow, Pink, White
Frozen Trash
Green Frozen Fly (Image By Moose Toys) Frozen Fly Pink, Yellow, Green Special Edition
Cold-Pizza Yellow Frozen-Trash S5 Cold Pizza
Chilled-Chiken-2 Chilled Chicken
Cold-Prawn Pink Frozen-Trash S5 Cold Prawn
Frost-Fish Green Frozen-Trash S5 Frost Fish
Scrap Trash
Cracked-Up-Carton-2 Cracked-Up Carton Gray, Orange Ultra Rare
Busted-box . Busted Box
Sewerage-Supreme Scrap-Trash S5 Sewerage Supreme
Oozey-Jooze Scrap-Trash S5 Oozey Jooze
Old-News-2 Old News
Bog-Bag-2 Bog Bag
Limited Edition
Spewer-Rat LimitedEd S5 Spewer Rat Bronze (10,000) Limited Edition
Gunk-Gator Gunk Gator Bronze (5,000)
Flushed-Phone LimitedEd S5 Flushed Phone Silver (1,000)
Poo-Plumbing LimitedEd S5 Poo Plumbing Silver (500)
Poop-Plop-2 Poop Plop Gold (250)
Rottenapple red sewerdump Rotten Apple Red, Green Sewer Dump
Dogfood green2 Dog Food
Trashbag red Garbage Bag
Bananasplit red2 Banana Split
Grubtub lime Grub Tub Lime Trash Pack Magazine
Stinksink lime Stink Sink
Unused-paperairplane Unnamed paper airplane trashie
Sunscreen Unnamed sunscreen trashie

The primary palette of Series 5.

Color-Rarity Distribution[]

Series 5 keeps with the trend set by Series 4, by exclusively featuring one rarity per Trashie in all recolors. It also abandons the idea of tying specific rarities to colors, such as how Scum Gum or Bin Pig from Series 1 would always come in Gray as their common variant, Orange as their rare one, and Pink as the Ultra Rare variety. Unlike these examples, Series 5 has no systems for its rarities and colors.

The color-rarity distribution of all mainline Trashies in the series.
Green Yellow Orange
Dark Green Lime Orange
Gray Brown Red
Blue Purple Gray
Pink Mustard Yellow White
Red Aqua Purple
Green Yellow Mustard Yellow
Ultra Rare
Orange Gray
Special Edition
Green Yellow Pink

Products, Playsets and Miscellanious Releases[]


  • Sewer Dump: A large playset including four exclusive Trashies.


  • 2 Pack
  • 5 Pack: Includes 5 trashies with 5 small cans.
  • Liquid Ooze 8 Pack: Returning from Series 3 and 4, containing 8 Trashies and a metallic toilet, containing a packet of yellow ooze.
  • 12 Pack: Includes 12 trashies, 1 extra large can, and 5 small cans. Every 12 pack comes with two special edition glowing trashies

