The Trash Pack Wiki
The Trash Pack Wiki

Series 4 of the Trash Pack was released in 2013 in the US and 2012 in Australia with a total of 173 mainline figures divided into 7 categories, or "Teams". The Series marks quite a few major shifts in the franchise's presentation approach. Most apparent is the changing of the classic trash can containers of the previous series to red wheelie bins, but the series also replaces Series 3's Color-Changing figures with 'Biters', figures with prominent, molded mouths which allow them to "bite," and 'Wall Crawlers' with 'Beach Trash', which are figures covered in yellow particles, presented as sand. The Series was also the first to include Mini figures, which are a finish exclusive to one Rare figure from each rarity. These pieces are much smaller than other Trashies, small enough to fit inside the hole molded onto most figures as a way to have them attached to playsets.

Series 4 would be the first one to also forgo the original Team setups of the previous releases, replacing Bin Critters and Bin Monsters with Food of The World and Trash Toys, respectively.

Finally, the Series would also break from the original Limited Edition setup, forgoing a Metallic finish for glow in the dark "Bone" Trashies, hardened rubber figures covered in a finish to simulate being covered in dirt.


Wave Gimmick[]

The series was divided into two waves, the first -including most figures and colorways; and second, including a selection of Trashies, marked with * below. These figures are all included in the Brown - Yellow - Purple or Dark Green - Blue - Orange color schemes.

Full List[]

Full List
The Grubz
TP536 Grim Ribs Red, White, Aqua

Translucent Purple, Blush, Yellow

TP537 Boiled Brains Gray, Lime, Purple
TP538 Stuffed Chicken Orange, Yellow, Green
Dark Green, Red, Purple
TP561 Fishy Finger
TP554 Scarred Caviar
TP575 Poo-Tato* Brown, Purple, Yellow

Glow in The Dark
White, Yellow, Orange

TP542 Barf Bagette*
TP543 Shabby Cabbage* Dark Green, Orange, Blue Rare
TP564 Yucky Sprout*
TP545 Moldy Melon*
TP546 Pear Beware Brown, Aqua, Lime
TP567 Slimeapple Biter
Green, Gray, Purple
Special Edition
TP549 Mushy Peas Mini
Yellow, Orange, White
TP559 Bad Anchovy
TP566 Hacked Ham Brown, Aqua, Lime
TP562 Lumpy Yoghurt Blue, Red, Yellow Common
Hard Rubbish
TP601 Vile Vacuum Red, White, Aqua

Purple, Blush, Yellow

TP597 Moldy Mattress Gray, Lime, Purple
TP586 Smashed Vase Blue, Red, Yellow
TP603 Filthy Fan
TP594 Zapped Lamp Brown, Purple, Yellow*

Glow in The Dark
White, Yellow, Orange

TP595 Kacky Kettle Dark Green, Orange, Blue* Rare
TP600 Dusty Rug Biter
Green, Gray, Purple
Special Edition
TP599 Dumped Dryer Mini
Yellow, Orange, White
TP608 Creepy Pede Red, White, Aqua

Translucent Purple, Blush, Yellow

TP622 Slimo Beetle Gray, Lime, Purple
TP610 Smear Wig Orange, Yellow, Green

Metallic Dark Green, Red, Purple

TP611 Gutter Fly Blue, Red, Yellow
TP624 Splat Slater Biter
Green, Gray, Purple
Special Edition
TP613 Grot Hopper Mini
Yellow, Orange, White
Food of The World
TP626 Oozey Noodles Red, White, Aqua

Purple, Blush, Yellow

TP644 Horrid Haggis
TP628 Mashed Meat Gray, Lime, Purple
TP629 Gristle Pie Orange, Yellow, Green

Dark Green, Red, Purple

TP630 Sludgey Lasagne* Brown, Purple, Yellow

Glow in The Dark
White, Yellow, Orange

TP651 Sneeze Burger*
TP632 Spewy Stew* Dark Green, Orange, Blue Rare
TP633 Gross Goulash Brown, Aqua, Lime
Cruddycurrybrown Cruddy Curry
TP656 Gooey Souvlaki Biter
Green, Gray, Purple
Special Edition
TP660 Buried Burrito Mini
Yellow, Orange, White
Snot Snail Artwork Snot Snail Gray, Lime, Purple Common
Trash Toys
TP680 Shocking Horse Red, White, Aqua

Purple, Blush, Yellow

TP671 Waste Truck Gray, Lime, Purple
BUGyellow Banged-Up Gamer Orange, Yellow, Green

Dark Green, Red, Purple

TP665 Gutter Skater Blue, Red, Yellow
TP677 Carnage Car
TP667 Yuck Yo* Brown, Purple, Yellow

Glow in The Dark
White, Yellow, Orange

TP668 Gunk-A-Saur* Dark Green, Orange, Blue Rare
TP681 Deady Bear Brown, Aqua, Lime
TP688 Mucky Ducky Mini
Yellow, Orange, White
Beach Trash
TP689 Scar Fish Beach Trash
Red, Blue
Ultra Rare
TP690 Stale Scales
TP691 Tangled Seaweed Biter
Green, Gray, Purple
Special Edition
TP698 Scruffer Fish Beach Trash
Red, Blue
Ultra Rare
Stinky shrimpy Stinky Shrimpy
TP694 Dirty Hermy
TP696 Clammy
Limited Edition - Bone Trash
Cruddy Cow Skull Cruddy Cow Skull Ghoulish + Hardened
Lime (10,000)
Limited Edition
TP705 Foul Fish Bone Ghoulish + Hardened
Blue (5,000)
TP706 Rotting Rat Ghoulish + Hardened
Blue (1,000)
TP707 Festering Fowl Ghoulish + Hardened
White (500)
TP708 Squish Bone Ghoulish + Hardened
White (250)
Exclusive Trashies
TP709 Grub Tub Red Junk Truck
TP710 Stink Sink
Busted Crate Busted Crate Yellow Dumpster Tin
TP711 Snotty Spray Can
Bingoo purple Bin Goo Yellow, Brown, Purple Scrap Racers
Slimysoap yellow Slimy Soap
Dunbrush brown Dunny Brush
Clumpofgrass brown Clump of Grass
Cowpat brown Cow Pat
Smellysock purple Smelly Sock
Wastepaper yellow Waste Paper Glow in The Dark
Glow in The Dark
Street Sweeper
Crushedcan yellow Crushed Can
Deadtyre metallic Dead Tyre Metallic
Metallic Garbage
Sludgecan metallic Sludge Can Metallic
Grubtub aqua Grub Tub Aqua Dash For Trash
Flip 'N' Filth
Stinksink aqua Stink Sink
Atomicant purple Atomic Ant Purple Dash For Trash
Molecularmouse purple Molecular Mouse
Mouldymushroom purple Mouldy Mushroom Purple Flip 'N' Filth
Slimebucket purple Slime Bucket

Series 4's primary palette.

Color-Rarity Distribution[]

Series 4 reintroduced a standardized tie between color and rarity after Series 3 abandoned it, though, with the twist of each Trashie only coming in one rarity, and Ultra Rare figures being fully religated to their Special Team, Beach Trash.

The color-rarity distribution of all mainline Trashies in the series.
Red White Aqua
Gray Lime Purple
Orange Yellow Green
Brown Yellow Purple
Blue Red Yellow
Brown Aqua Lime
Dark Green Orange Blue
Lime White Orange
Ultra Rare
Blue Red
Special Edition
Gray Green Purple

Reveal and leakage[]

In the early Fall of 2012, a YouTube user uploaded a video with Series 4 information, claiming that he found it on the street near Moose's headquarters. In the video, he showed the packaging of a 5 pack, which included an image of Squish Bone. (Other Trashies that could be identified were Mouldy Melon and Mucky Ducky) along with a wheelie bin. When the page was shared on this wiki by a wiki contributor, the buzz began, and soon, dozens and dozens of Trash Pack fans were aware of the new series. Because the video was blurry, many people could not make anything out of the things seen in the video, making many assume that the video was a hoax. When asked for photos of the item, he agreed to take them. ....for a limited edition! In late October, Moose found the video and issued a copyright claim, forcing Youtube to take the video down. Shorty after, the Trash Pack website displayed a teaser image with a silhouette of a square bin flying over the moon (a reference to E.T?) with the words "Series 4, Coming Soon" displayed. Quickly after this, Series 4 info was leaked yet again in the Trash Pack Facebook page. An image of familiar Hard Rubbish characters from Series 1, 2 and 3 was posted. However, one Trashie was not familiar. The video game controller Trashie, was thought to be an upcoming or unreleased character. He was later released in Series 4 as Banged Up Gamer.

Products, Playsets and Miscellanious Releases[]


  • 2 Pack Bin
  • 5 Pack: Contains 5 Trashies in 5 separate bins, with one showing.
  • Liquid Ooze 8 Pack: Contains 8 Trashies and a packet of green ooze in a metallic plastic garbage can.
  • 12 Pack: Contains 12 Trashies, two of which are always Special Edition.


  • Junk Tuck: Vehicle playset with two exclusive Trashies, Grub Tub and Stink Sink
  • Dumpster Tin: Storage accessory with two exclusive Trashies, Busted Crate and Snotty Spray Can
  • Scrap Racers: A series of small vehicle that Trashies could be attached to with modular add-ons. Contained two exclusive Trashies in each pack with a total available pool of six, with three available colors each. Released in the UK and Australia only.

Board Games[]

  • Putrid Pizza Challenge: Board game released in Europe only, including twenty standard Series 4 Trashies in new colorways and finishes from a total pool of 54.
  • European Board Games: A series of Trashie branded board games released around Series 4's life, some with unique colors of existing exclusive Trashies, some without.


