- 12 Pack Combinations
- 12 Packs
- 2 Packs
- 5 Pack Combinations
- 5 Packs
- A Side of Flies (Cartoon)
- Air Unfreshener
- Alien Snot
- Alley-Gator
- Alley Alien
- Alley Gator
- Alley Gator (UFT)
- Ancient Eggs-Hibits
- Arm Angler Fish
- Army Junk
- Army Trash
- Astro Trash
- Atilla the Bun
- Atomic Ant
- Atomic Drum Ooze Chamber
- Atomic Pizza
- Awful Algae
- Awful Corporal
- Awful Pie
- Axi-Dental Axe
- Bad-Ant
- Bad Anchovy
- Baked Bug
- Ball Bacteria
- Banana Split (Sewer Dump)
- Banana Split (Trash Wheels)
- Banged-Up Gamer
- Barf BQ
- Barf Bagette
- Barfy Bean
- Barrel Of Trashies
- Bashed Bottle
- Bashed Golf Ball
- Battered Bat
- Beach Trash
- Beaten Egg
- Bed Bugz
- Beetle
- Bile Bison
- Bin-Fections
- Bin-Sects
- Bin-Tosaurus
- Bin Boats
- Bin Brick
- Bin Bros
- Bin Brute
- Bin Bug
- Bin Critters
- Bin Goo
- Bin Grenade
- Bin Juice
- Bin Monsters
- Bin Pig
- Bin Scab Beetle
- Binfire
- Bird Flu
- Bird Spew
- Biter Trashies
- Black Eye Pie
- Black N' Blue Berry
- Blast Offs
- Blazing Firestation
- Blob Moz
- Blow Fly
- Blow Fly (Cartoon Series)
- Blow fly
- Blubber Brain
- Bog Bag
- Bog Hog
- Boggy Bagel
- Boggy Bonfire
- Boggy Borscht
- Boiled Brain
- Boiled Brains
- Bone Age
- Booger Blower
- Brain Pain
- Brain Worm
- Broken Blender
- Brush Buggy
- Bulldozer
- Bum Bug
- Bureaucrats
- Burger Buggy
- Burger Flip-Out
- Buried Burrito
- Burn Out
- Burny
- Burpy Slurpy
- Burpy Slurpy (Webseries)
- Busted Beetle
- Busted Box
- Busted Crate
- Cable Car
- Cack Hammer
- Cacky Cake
- Captain Contagious
- Car-Rot
- Carnage Car
- Cave Booger
- Cave Decay
- Cery-Ill
- Chicken Coupe
- Chicky Pox
- Chilled Chicken
- Chop Up
- Clammy
- Clogged-Up Calculator
- Clogged Camera
- Clump of Grass
- Cold Pizza
- Cold Prawn
- Cold Sore
- Collection 1
- Collection 2
- Collector's Case
- Collector's Posters
- Collector's Tin
- Collector's Wheelie Bin
- Collector Case
- Color Schemes
- Colour Change Trashies
- Combat Kebab
- Compost
- Compost Monster
- Containers
- Coop A John
- Cosmic Creeper
- Cow Pat
- Cracked-Up Carton
- Crash N' Wreck Junkyard
- Crazy Coconut
- Creepy Cruiser
- Creepy Pede
- Cringe Chilli
- Crud Can
- Crud Crane
- Cruddy Cop Car
- Cruddy Cow Skull
- Cruddy Crepe
- Cruddy Crow
- Cruddy Curry
- Cruddy Kebab
- Crushed Can
- Crusty Claws
- Crusty Cranium
- Cukoo
- Dank Dish Cloth
- Dank Dishwasher
- Dank Donut
- Dead Head
- Dead Spider
- Dead Tyre
- Deady Bear
- Diarrhoea
- Died Rice
- Dino Dregg
- Dino Poop
- Dirty Double Pack
- Dirty Dumbbells
- Dirty Dunker
- Dirty Hermy
- Dirty dinos
- Disgusting Activity & Coloring Book
- Disinfect-Ant
- Dog Food
- Doggy Doo
- Don't Bring It Up
- Donutz
- Doo-Mation
- Doo Doo Bird
- Doo Doo Diaper
- Dreg-O-Saurus
- Dregg Leggs
- Drippy Slipper
- Dripzy
- Driver Spider
- Drizzly Bear
- Dump-Ling
- Dumped Dryer
- Dumper
- Dumpster Tin
- Dung Beetle
- Dung Bug
- Dunk 'N Dumpster
- Dunk 'N Fizz Bag
- Dunny Brush
- Dusty Dust Mite
- Dusty Rug
- Ear Wax Ball
- Earwax Worm
- Egg-O-Saur
- Eggs-Cavated Trash
- Eggstinct Trash
- Eggy Elephant
- El Trasho
- Exclusive Trashies
- Eye Sore (Trash wheels)
- Eye Sore (Trashie)
- Eye Worm
- Fakes and Bootleg Trashies
- Fanged Maggot
- Fast Flea
- Feral False Teeth
- Feral Fly
- Feral Footy Boot
- Feral Fridge
- Festering Fowl
- Fighting Trash
- Filthified Fish
- Filthy Driller
- Filthy Fan
- Filthy Flusher
- Filthy Frog Legs
- Fire Fly Fighter
- Fish Fungus
- Fish Worm
- Fish and Slops
- Fishy Finger
- Fitness Flu
- Flamin' Fire Truck
- Flat Rat
- Flea Bite
- Fleagull
- Flesh Eating Virus
- Flint Rock Fish
- Flip 'n Filth
- Flu Bug
- Flu Virus
- Flush-O-Saurus
- Flushed Phone
- Flushed phone
- Fly-Ceratops
- Fly Kwan Do
- Fly Poo
- Flying Fungus
- Foil Bags
- Food Fight Trash
- Food Of The World
- Food of The World
- Foot Fungus
- Foot Rot
- Foot Rott
- Football Virus
- Foul Fish Bone
- Foul Fish Bowl
- Foul Football
- Foul Nugget
- Foul Towel
- Founder
- French Flies
- Fridge Fungus
- Fried Ant
- Fried Dragon Fly
- Frost Fish
- Frozen Fly
- Frozen Trash
- Funky Fever
- Fur Ball
- Furry Turkish Delight
- GID Street Sweeper
- Gakky Macaron
- Galacto Garbo
- Garbage Bag
- Garbage Bear
- Garbage Egg
- Garbage Goat
- Garbage Gull
- Garbage Truck
- Garbage Truck (Version 2)
- Garbo Martian
- Gas 'N' Go
- Gas Ghost
- General Jeep
- General Waste
- Germ Worm
- Germit
- Giddy Squid
- Glow in the Dark Trashies
- Glowin' Mega Pack
- Glowin Grave Trashies
- Glug Hole
- Go Gas
- Gobbles
- Gone Badmiral
- Goo.F.O
- Goo Glue
- Gooberry Pie
- Gooey Souvlaki
- Goomu Wrestler
- Grapple Crab
- Gravel Rat
- Green frog type thing
- Grim Ribs
- Grimy Gold
- Grimy Gull
- Gristle Pie
- Gross Gang Coloring Book
- Gross Ghosts
- Gross Ghosts Series 2
- Gross Goose
- Gross Goulash
- Gross Moose
- Gross Rover
- Gross Zombies
- Gross Zombies Rotten Coffin Collector's Tin
- Grossery gang
- Grot Bot
- Grot Hopper
- Grot Pot
- Grot Shot
- Grott Dog
- Grott Rocket
- Grotty Bot Fly
- Grotty Coffee
- Grotty Fruity
- Grotty Lamb Chop
- Grotty Rocket
- Grotty Snotty
- Grotweiler
- Grub-Marine
- Grub Tub
- Grubby
- Grubby Gravestone
- Gunk-A-Saur
- Gunk Gator
- Gunk Pumpkin
- Gunky Gargoyle
- Gunky Gumboots
- Gutter Fly
- Gutter Grub
- Gutter Putty
- Gutter Skater
- Guzzle Gopher
- Gym Germs
- Hacked Ham
- Hacked Hand
- Hair Lice
- Hair Worm
- Hammered Helmet