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Ever since It came out they were my absolute favorite and I always wanted to collect them. Now that I am older I'm looking to find all the series 5 ones but especially Poop Plop. Please contact me here or at dicordaats@gmail.com if you have them and are willing to sell
Her name is Quinn Egeland and she left this comment on a YouTube shorts video about the trash pack.
There is a chance she is lying, but I sent her a message and will update if I get one.
It says Squish Bone's card in the mystery section
(Edited by Lewisland-again)
Hey everyone! If you have any photos of/leads on green versions of Grub Tub or Stink Sink, please post about them! A low quality photo of a green Grub Tub has been found in a German lot, and we're trying to figure out its source, or if it has any proper evidence of its existence.
Thanks in advance
Bonjour, je trie mes trash pack et ce sont les 4 que je n'arrive pas à répertorier, pouvez-vous me dire à quelle série elles appartiennent ?
If anyone knows let me know. It’s from the board game.
I wanna get the junk truck and some trashies but the only ones are in Australia and I’m in the US please help
I’d love to have more official illustrations of season 6, and the school trash from season 5.
I added pages for the cold n flu color changes and the x-ray trashies, but could someone fix them up, and review them, please and thank you
I can't find info anywhere and I need some help, cause I know there are some valuable trashies and I don't want to give them for free.
Please help me with these ones
How much are they worth?
Flu Virus #158
Chicky pox #165
Moo cow disease #164
Trashteroid #339
Skummy Skull
Pd: Is there any other secret community or a secret price list for all of them?
I used a thing called the wayback machine
"These onion rings will make you cry before you've even taken a single bite. These rings have been festering for so long in the oily pack that if you ever picked it up the onions would slip right through!"
The same as the last couple post but now it can be eBay plz contact me I really want a sewer dump for Christmas
Sorry for making this type of post again but I’m looking to get a sewer dump this Christmas, all I’m trying to look for a new in box one but I’m happy to get a pre owned one(also I’ll need slime since I messed up my only slime) if anyone even still uses this site and looking to sell please hit me up on discord
Okay so it needs to be on Amazon, only website my parents trust, looking for 40-60$ in price (slime and exclusives would be preferable)